The St. George Arm Protector is your new arm protector. It protects against superficial mechanical damage in the area of the forearm, elbow and upper arm.
It is also quick to put on and take off, so there is no need for tedious fastening and you can devote yourself to your sport in comfort. It should always be worn in combination with a fencing jacket.
The St. George Arm Protector was developed by principal Paul Becker in cooperation with renowned German manufacturers such as Uhlmann Fencing. It is therefore completely "Made in Germany".
It consists of 3 main elements:
1. the forearm protector with removable and washable pad.
2. the elbow guard with padding and flexible Velcro strap for attachment and adjustment to the forearm guard.
3. the upper arm protector with Velcro strap for attachment and adjustment to the elbow protector.
The St. George Arm Protector is always supplied in a pair.
Check out our latest product video.
Weight: single 240g (pair 480g)